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The Leading Boutique Team Coaching Consultancy In The Middle East

Kate The Founder

Hi, I’m Kate, Founder of The Team Coach.

The world is in dire need of inspirational leaders. My mission is to bring humanity to leadership, making organisations thriving places for humans to do their best work. 


Leadership teams are the beating heart of any company and effective teamwork is a business superpower, inspiring people to achieve extraordinary things.


Over the last 30 years, I’ve been lucky enough to be part of some incredibly high performing teams – including the one that transformed the luxury department store Selfridges and pioneered a revolution in experience based retailing. 


Since founding The Team Coach in 2006, I have partnered with some amazing teams to create team synergy and generate outstanding results, including exec teams at Louis Vuitton, Dior, Robeco, Sally Beauty and Moet Hennessy.


I have distilled insights from over 20,000+ hours of coaching CEOs and their teams into a Playbook which I will share with you to accelerate your team’s success. I look forward to a conversation about how we can create extraordinary results together.

Kate King Team Coach

Who We Are

Who We Are
Kate King
Kate King Coach

Kate The Human

          Personal development junkie


          Bio hacker and life optimiser

          Meditator and yogi

          French chateau renovator

          Mountain climber

          Middle East enthusiast


The Team Coach Dubai

Why Partner With Us

Why Partner With Us

Kate has spent 17 years as a team coach, sounding board and success accelerator for high performing leaders and teams through The Team Coach.

We have clocked up 20,000+ hours working with hundreds of leaders and teams. You name it, we’ve seen it and helped teams work through it!

Kate is accredited as a Master Executive & Team Coach by the Association for Professional Executive Coaches and Supervisors (APECS), and the APECS Ambassador for the Middle East advancing team coaching best practice.

Kate was one of the original coaches to train in systemic team coaching over 15 years ago with Prof Peter Hawkins, who invented this approach and was her Supervisor for 4 years.

A qualified supervisor, Kate has a passion for finding and developing the best team coaches in the industry, who are all carefully chosen for their ability to deliver team transformation.

For the last 17 years Kate has been on the executive coaching faculty of London Business School, coaching C-Suite executives to lead effectively. 

She has also been on the LVMH House coach faculty for the last 10 years.

Meet The Team

Kate has curated a network of highly skilled Team Coaches who she personally supervises in delivering The Team Coach Playbook.

These include:

Nicky is an extraordinary human and inspiring team coach, known for her ability to help leaders unlock their highest performance.


With over 20 years of Leadership and Coaching experience working for 3x Fortune 500 Global retail companies including Apple, Nike and Selfridges, Nicky brings an innovative approach helping leaders 100X their performance whilst creating emotional freedom for them and their teams. 

Frances has been inspiring leaders and teams for 30+ years globally. As well as being a highly skilled team coach, Frances is also a trained mediator, known for ability to get teams to have ‘difficult’ conversations safely.


She is also on the Board of APECS (the Association for Professional Executive Coaching and Supervision), a leading light in the creation of the field of team coaching.

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